Re hobbies. Working on old cars is my thing, it lets me fully focus on a physical task, often frustrating, difficult or painful but hugely satisfying when it goes right and is done. My day job is IT which has become mostly virtual.

Well it was IT until I was made redundant late last year. Still looking for what comes next but it’s good to have time to clean, garden, fix etc. stuff I can do on zero money lol.

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😁 I don't have "hobbies" per se - but did dabble in "wood work" sufficient to make some plywood platforms & fittings to convert my car into an overnight sleeper/camper - bought the battery drill, Jigsaw etc. & it's rough & ready but continues to do the trick. Now they sit ready for my next project (5 years on & nothing so far!) But I wouldn't have attempted it without a similar family background of both professional & amateur DIY growing up to make me think it was doable. Also, buying flat packs & making bookcases & storage shelves? House is FULL of them! 👍💪 Going for walks, gardening, reading books, re-reading books, keeping up with the news & sports but not obsessing over it - not enough hours in the day!

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