Good newsletter as usual (& reminds me it's the weekend!) Best quote "You live where you live and work where you work, and that shapes your perception of reality, fortunate or otherwise." That applies to so many things in addition to LGBTQ+, although for my generation particularly apt (who knew my sister wasn't JUST a tomboy?) It also applies to Maori for both non-Maori & for those of us who weren't aware of our Whakapapa and grew up in the south of the Te Waipounamu - no learned prejudice but also no historical awareness or knowledge of ongoing economic realities of our Te Ika a Maui whanui compared to where I lived.

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I wish to report broken link for "The real reason behind Act’s push to redefine the Treaty principles"

Should be... https://thespinoff.co.nz/politics/30-09-2024/the-real-reason-behind-acts-push-to-redefine-the-treaty-principles

(It somehow ended up with a stray %202024-09-30 appended)

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The Auckland figures are likely skewed by the higher concentrations in Ponsonby & Central Auckland, compared with the outlying parts of the city.

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Get your subject verb agreement right - there IS always going to be a range - one range = singular.

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