‘I’m beginning a journey’: The inside story of Lorde’s surprise mini-album in te reo Māori
Last week Lorde released Te Ao Mārama, five songs from Solar Power re-recorded in te reo Māori. Leonie Hayden meets the language champions that brought the project to life, and the pop star who became their student.
Hands off our Hairy Maclary!
For decades, Scots have believed that Dame Lynley Dodd’s books are Scottish. She speaks with books editor Catherine Woulfe in an attempt to correct the record.
Ashley Bloomfield fan art reaches new level with romance novella
Sam Brooks talks to the author of Instagram romance novella Blooming Desire about his work, and a fanfiction scholar about why so many of us want to read it.
A conversation with my teenage son, who used to be my daughter
When Anna Sophia’s son told her he was a boy, she primed herself for having to fight against social norms on his behalf. So far, thanks to a rolling momentum of social change, she hasn’t had to. But, as Connor explains, it hasn’t all been plain sailing.
New tactics against predators and pests promise to be more effective and humane
New Zealand is ready to think outside the trap-box when it comes to getting rid of pests. That means trialing everything from sterilisation to putting the fear in cats and making plants invisible (sort of).
The Sunday Essay: In praise of breakfast
For Linda Burgess, the morning meal is a comforting minor ceremony of toast, coffee, bed, dog, read. And she wouldn’t have it any other way.
Allyson Gofton was New Zealand’s first food influencer
As Food in A Minute celebrates its 25th birthday, host Allyson Gofton talks to Tara Ward about the classic ‘90s TV spots that took home cooking to a new dimension.
The Side Eye: Freedom and Everyone
Stop signs, seatbelts, lanes on the road. There are thousands of small ways we trade small pieces of personal freedom for collective safety. Toby Morris looks at the intersection of freedom and the collective good and how it relates to protests against Covid-19 restrictions.
There’s another chain of transmission we have the chance to break
With alert levels eased for most of the country, experts are calling on New Zealanders to consider their sexual health before going buck wild beyond their bubbles.
The global citizens helping connect New Zealand with the world
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Before the pandemic, New Zealand was a temporary home for over 100,000 international students – global citizens who bring their knowledge, experiences, culture and diversity with them.